What we do
We provide governments, policy-makers and the community with a single point of reference for major energy network issues in Australia.
Energy Networks Australia is the national industry body representing Australia’s electricity transmission and distribution and gas distribution networks. Our members provide more than 16 million electricity and gas connections to almost every home and business across Australia.
Our team works with networks, regulators and industry partners to develop research and advice on issues including national and state government policy and regulation relevant to energy networks and how they must operate and key technical issues such as network safety and security of supply, reliability and power quality, the management of peak energy demand, energy efficiency and sustainable energy.
Board Members
Energy Networks Australia is governed by a Board of Directors who are chief executives or managing directors of member businesses.
Our Team
The Energy Networks Australia team has a broad experience in various parts of the energy industry, government and communications.
Company Secretary / Business Services Manager
Fiona Clothier
Our Committees
Energy Networks Australia manages committees to guide policy development and advocacy in the sector.
Asset Management Committee
The Asset Management Committee is an Energy Networks Australia Board Committee that is responsible for providing ongoing advice to the Board and membership on policy and issues related to energy network asset management.
The Committee is responsible for matters relating to energy network asset management and operations including but not limited to: asset management frameworks; National guidelines and standards; industry innovation and R&D; climate change; health, safety and environmental management; technical regulation; power pole and easement management; system reliability and power quality; street lighting, demand management and the integration of embedded generation; work practices and workforce skills and resourcing.
The objective of the Committee is to promote best practice in asset management through systems and guidelines that are designed to deliver energy network services to consumers at the lowest long-run costs and appropriate levels of safety, quality and reliability.
Gas Committee
The Gas Committee is an Energy Networks Australia Board Committee providing advice to the Energy Networks Australia Board and membership on issues relating to the gas distribution industry. The Committee provides a platform for sharing knowledge and experience between industry participants and other stakeholders nationally and internationally, and developing policy positions to set the direction for the future of gas networks.
The primary objectives of the Committee include, but are not limited to; promoting and increasing the understanding of the role and contribution of gas distribution to the Australian economy and the community; leading discussion and debate on public policy in relation to gas distribution; undertaking technical projects and studies related to gas distribution; and encouraging professional development in the gas distribution industry.
Policy and Strategy Committee
The Policy and Strategy Committee is an Energy Networks Australia Board Committee which provides strategic policy, regulatory and advocacy advice to the Energy Networks Australia CEO Forum and members.
The committee seeks to develop and promote a policy and regulatory environment conducive to the efficient, safe, reliable and affordable operation of Australia’s energy networks in accordance with the National Electricity Objective and the National Gas Objective. It provides expert strategic advice on issues including energy policy, carbon policy, regulatory frameworks, market design and regulation and communications and consumer engagement.
Transmission Committee
The Transmission Committee is an Energy Networks Australia Board Committee that is responsible for providing effective governance, strategic direction and ensuring that the interests of its members are represented, whilst having regard for the interests of consumers and other stakeholders, including Energy Networks Australia’s employees and the broader community. It comprises all Chief Executive Officers of full Energy Networks Australia electricity transmission business members.
The Purpose of the Committee is to promote and increase the understanding of the role and contribution of electricity transmission in energy supply arrangements, consider the needs and concerns of consumers and other stakeholders, establish policy positions in coordination with other Energy Networks Australia committees, and foster closer relations and co-operation within the energy industry both locally and internationally.
Safety Commitee
The Safety Committee is an Energy Networks Australia Board Committee that is responsible for providing ongoing advice to the Board and membership on issues related to energy network, public and contractor safety.
The objective of the Committee is to promote best practice in safety through systems and guidelines that will be achieved by coordinating members’ internal efforts on safety and wellbeing issues, facilitating information exchange and capacity development in a manner that progresses these issues, demonstrates industry leadership and provides value to members.

Careers with Energy Networks Australia
As an industry association, Energy Networks Australia hires for a range of position within our organisation including areas of regulation, asset management, communications and government relations.