A partnership between Energy Networks Australia and CSIRO
Energy Networks Australia patterned with Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, to develop an Electricity Network Transformation Roadmap (ENTR). The electricity system supporting Australia’s modern economy and lifestyle is experiencing change on an unprecedented scale. The transformation is driven by customers as they embrace new technologies, take control of their energy use.
A future where up to 45% of all electricity is generated by customers in 2050 – at the opposite end of the system from its original design – presents a very significant range of technical, economic and regulatory challenges.
The ENTR has been developed to provide detailed milestones and actions to guide an efficient and timely transformation over the 2017-27 decade with modelling out to 2050.

Roles and incentives for Microgrids and Stand Alone Power Systems (SAPS)
To inform the ENTR the role of microgrids and standalone power systems in delivering a fair system of prices for all customers into the future was examined.
Energeia and CSIRO have developed a joint modelling capacity to test the impact of various policy scenarios on the efficient uptake of microgrids, and the associated impact on customer bills and equity.
The model represents the largest scale, network cost price forecast model known to the authors. Energeia used this model to identify how different tariff structures and incentive arrangements affect the rate of customers or communities disconnecting from the grids (or never connecting in the first place).
For more information on the Electricity Network Transformation Roadmap, please contact Energy Networks Australia at entr@energynetworks.com.au